2014-03-12 “Week Four of What I Think Makes Us Different”

This is the fourth (and final) week of “what I think makes us different”…thanks for reading!  When we opened the Blenheim Community Funeral Home over ten years ago, one of the biggest complaints from people was that in years past they would find the bill for the funeral on the front seat of the car before they even left the funeral home to go to the cemetery.  We don’t do that here.  You also won’t find a note on the bottom of the funeral bill with an interest amount that will be added if you haven’t paid within the first month.  We know that it takes a few weeks for CPP payments and life insurance to be processed, so we wait.  And while others say that might be a foolish business decision, nobody has ever disappointed me.  I believe in people more than the corporate bottom line.  We also accept credit card payments for funerals (and memorial donations) when other funeral homes do not.  In a day and age when there are promotions from credit card companies, it just makes sense to make that available to you.  I know for some it’s an awkward thing to collect points or get free groceries, but if I died and I could see my wife struggling with that, I’d probably send her a sign to say “do it…get the groceries”! 

We take the trust that families place the Blenheim Community Funeral Home very seriously, I do think that there are differences that set funeral homes apart and I appreciate being able to tell you about some of ours.  I’ve worked hard over the last ten years to earn people’s trust.  I was raised on a dairy farm and I often compare myself to a farmer who buys a farm and understands the importance of hard and honest work.  And at the end of the day we are able to stand back and be proud of what we have done and how we have treated people.

Remember…Yes YOU can!