What’s happening at the Blenheim Community Funeral Home…
With fall fast approaching it is time for us to be thinking ahead and offering information seminars again. Since the legislation that governs Funeral Homes changed in July, I will probably speak about that for a bit at each seminar to keep everyone up to date. Following that, there are a few things that I have been thinking about…firstly, the person who oversees the Anatomical Donation Department (or Body Bequeathal Program) at the University of Western Ontario has offered to come and do a seminar for us. There has been considerable interest from many of you with regard to donating a body to science and so that may be worth of learning more about. Secondly, our good friend Heather at Guaranteed Funeral Deposits has offered to come and do her seminar again on the benefits of pre-planning a funeral. For those of you who came to our seminars last year, you will remember Heather as the bubbly person who gave a very informal and informative talk about why it’s a good think about things ahead of time. And for the third seminar I do have an idea, but haven’t confirmed it yet so I will wait for a bit before announcing that. I will announce details of the seminars soon.
Soon we will say goodbye to Kurt Thompson as he will return to school full time to study Marine Biology. Kurt is an all round nice guy and he has been a great help this summer. We wish you well Kurt and we thank Marlene and Bob Thompson for sharing their son with us!
Anna will also return to school as she begins her second year to becoming a doctor! As always, we wish Anna the best and look forward to the weekends that she is able to come back and help us out.
And Makaila, our youngest daughter is looking forward to starting high school in a couple of weeks and Lucas is looking forward to Senior Kindergarten! It’s an exciting time for all of us!
Until next week,