Blenheim Community Funeral Home
Friday August 17, 2018
2:00 p.m.
Blenheim Community Funeral Home
Friday August 17, 2018
2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Harry Stanford Brock passed away peacefully at Blenheim Community Village on Thursday, August 9, 2018, in his 89th year. Father of Gail (David) Mariash of Chatham, Russell (Susan) and Dennis (Brenda) of Blenheim. Grandfather to Jessica and Joel Brock; Michael, Jenna and Aaron Mariash; Alexandra Rosilius (Stuckey); and Shianne Tyler. Great-grandfather to Hudson Brock and Elena Rosilius. Predeceased by his beloved wife Nancy (Oribine), brothers Ray and Ron. Survived by sister Hilda Fritz (Dundas) and many nephews and nieces in the Hamilton area.
Harry was born in Hamilton, where he owned several businesses before moving to London and then Blenheim as a representative for Supertest. He and Nancy later opened Brock’s Drive-In (home of the famous Brocky burger!); and Nancy’s Lunch. In the 70’s he helped revive the marina and boat-building industry in Erieau. Harry was also the superintendent at the Chatham-Kent housing apartments on Talbot Street from 1993 until 2009.
“The General” was a familiar face around the card tables in Blenheim and Erieau. Some claim he still holds the high score for bid-euchre in Erieau. It certainly didn’t take much to get him into a game of gutsy, even if he never remembered what was wild. And he was always ready to burst into a whistle or song without warning. Harry also loved the races in Dresden, especially with a side-trip to the casino. This year also marked 31 years with AA in Blenheim.
Please join us for a celebration of Harry’s life on Friday, August 17th at Blenheim Community Funeral Home from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, or the Humane Society (he did love his faithful companion and wonder-dog Pebbles), would be appreciated.
We would like to express our deepest thanks to the staff at Blenheim Community Village who treated Harry like family, and Dr. Perkin, who was so kind, patient and caring with Dad.