Beverly Catherine (Muller) Stover of Ridgetown Ontario passed away at home at the age of 97 years. Predeceased by her husband John (Jack) F. Stover in 1968.
Bev came to Ridgetown as a new bride. She was a professional figure skater who travelled the world with “Holiday on Ice”. Born in Syracuse, New York she was predeceased by her mother, father, sister and last her brother. She loved playing golf, her games of Bridge and wintering in Florida.
Beverly is survived by her four children: Christine Vanderlip of Rondeau, Joan Craig of Malibu, California, Jack Stover of London, Ontario and Laura Stover of Ridgetown. Beverly treasured eight grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.
Cremation has taken place. In memory of Mom, please enjoy skating or a game of Bridge.
Rest in peace at 97. Your life was well lived and loved.